New in Recovery for SQL Server 4.7: Supports SQL Server 2008 R2 Supports SCSU (The Standard Compression Scheme for Unicode) Supports XML indices Supports SQL Server 2008 encrypted files Recovers compressed backups of SQL Server 2008 Recovers SQL Server 2005, 2008 compressed data (types ROW, RAGE) Recovers SQL Server 2008 filestream data type. As an example: after running regedit navigate to HKEYLOCALMACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Microsoft SQL Server MSSQL.1 Setup And look for key value ProductCode or ProductKey. Operating system: Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 2003 Server or 2008 Server.The location of the entry depends on the version of SQL and whether or not it was an upgrade, but generally it is fairly easy to find. This can be done manually or using an auto-generated rebuild batch file. recovered data is saved into a set of SQL files to be used for rebuilding SQL Server database. Recovery for SQL Server repairs corrupted SQL Server databases, backups and logs (.mdf.

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